June 11, 2019No Comments

How to change the rendering (anti-aliasing) mode of all text fields in Photoshop CC

I recently discovered that the "LCD Mac" text rendering (anti-aliasing) option is the closest as type would render in any web browser.
My problem was that I didn't want to waste time by manually updating all the text layers one by one in my designs.

So, in a nutshell, here's how to update all at once :

  • Step 1 : Deploy all the layers of your artboard (or document) by clicking the down arrow next to the artboard name while maintaining Option (ALT)
  • Step 2 : Select all your layers by using Shift + Click at the top and bottom of the layers list.
  • Step 3 : While not deselecting anything, select the Type tool (T)
  • Step 4 : Change the font-rendering option to what you want

Quick video tutorial

April 8, 2018No Comments

Complexion reduction in design

Nearly all web or mobile-based products in 2018 involve complex interfaces.

But be aware that in terms of usability, having all your functions immediately accessible, is not always the best solution.
Even power-users appreciate the comfort of a clutter-free interface, and as the learning curve for new users is easier, it becomes a selling point.

That's exactly what Things 3 for macOS (featured in this article image) is doing. Selling an easy to learn interface, to high-skilled users.

A complex product, with a simple interface is also faster to understand for the public, which is very useful in a short pitching context and marketing.

Here's an article explaining this process of complexion reduction on famous mobile apps.


August 28, 2018No Comments

(FR) Embarquement immédiat : l’onboarding sur les applications mobiles.

S'il y a bien quelque chose qui peut vous faire détester une compagnie aérienne : c’est sa procédure d’embarquement. Plus vous perdez de temps dans l’aéroport, plus cela rend votre expérience finale de vol désagréable.

On peut appliquer ce raisonnement aux applications mobiles, lorsqu’un utilisateur ouvre pour la première fois votre application, s’il n’est pas satisfait de son “embarquement” vous risquez de le perdre à jamais.

Puisque vous n’êtes pas une compagnie lowcost et que vous ne souhaitez pas faire payer un embarquement premium, on va aujourd’hui parler “onboarding” et de la façon de créer le meilleur embarquement possible pour tous vos utilisateurs.

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based in Toulouse, France + remote available

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